History of the protestant church of Weiterstadt
1535 Introduction of Reformation in Weiterstadt
There was a chapel of saints in front of the village, which was torn down in 1557
In the western part of town stands the church with its cemetery (choir and vestry are still preserved)
1628 Visitation of the church, which ascertains the dilapidation of the building
1688 Teardown of the old church
1688 – 1690 Approximately on the 15th of June: dedication of the new church
Seating is still missing at that time.
September: installation of the seating
1698 Installation of organ
1895 Purchase of present day organ
1927 First major renovation of the church
Organ was moved off the chore and reinstalled facing the vestry
1927 Frescos were discovered in the choir, dating back to 1420
(Eucharist, garden of Gethsemane, betrayal of Judas, bearing the cross, crucifixion)
2003 Second major renovation